Customize Your Journey
At the Tap Into Your Talents Academy your journey will be entirely customed to your wishes and desires and what you need in your individual circumstances
We always, at all times, concentrate on a win win win situation, where the highest good of all involved is taken into consideration
Get Your Life On Stream
Thank you for your orientation on taking your journey with us!
The Tap Into Your Talents Academy is no 'standard' educational platform or organisation!
You don't get a degree for 'learning well'...
The Tap Into Your Talents Academy guides you in choosing and creating your own journey to divergent 'destinations'.
A complete journey, of approximately a year is or can be divided in 3 following phases (trajectories).
It is also possible to take a longer time in between the divergent phases when that suits you best.
You can decide to take a complete journey or even more journies if it resonates and you can also choose for shorter trips/ trajectories of 4 months.
An example of an entire journey:
Phase 1:
Unlock Your True Potential
Get Your Life On Stream

(each journey with us starts here)
€ 5000,- (including VAT)
3 months & anchoring
Phase 2:
Craft Your Own MEssage
Abundant Frequency Floww

and express it the way it is supposed to be
€ 15.000,- (including VAT)
This includes the Get Your Life On Stream trajectory
6 months & anchoring
Phase 3:
Dive Into The Divine

Leave YOUR own unique legacy.
The emphasis here lies on serving the highest good unconditionally (which doesn't mean being a martyr!)
€ 30.000,- (including VAT)
This includes Get Your Life On Stream & Abundant Frequency Floww
12 months & anchoring
There are also other possibilities to explore.
For example single sessions and other trajectories. Everything is customed, so we will together find out what is the right path for you and how we can fill that in.
Have no hesitation to connect non bindingly so we can discuss things
You can make a journey or shorter trip by yourself, individually and perhaps you want to make it together with for example your family, friends, ...
Or partly individually and partly together and you can also meet other voyagers if you choose.
You will however always reach your own destination.
If any of this makes you want to find out more, then contact us for a
The Tap Into Your Talents Academy website and membership area are in progress and the app is on its way as well!