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Are you an Artist?

art… design… dance… 

music… food art… 

you name it…

Do you want to live a fulfilled life and take your business to where it belongs: the happy, impactful and successful place you wish?

We know what it feels like to have a mission and statement in life from where you want to make impact and serve others with your own talents and what you LOVE and LIKE doing!

How do you make sure you live a fulfilled life and be successful (what means successful to YOU?) in what you do, by staying authentic and yourself in stead of a copy or product of the opinion of others?

How to stand in your own power while being kind and respectful and set your own boundaries aswell?

If this resonates with you and you want to experience what your world can be like, then book a free acquaintance session, sign up for an individual journey or trajectory or a group trajectory/ event if you want to do this with a group and/ or join the (when desired online) group coaching/ training on how to get your life on stream the way YOU want it!

Submit your personal question so you can come to insight and solutions for yourself and possibly your team/ environment.

Meetings are in English when there are divergent origin backgrounds that speak different languages.

It doesn't matter if you are and speak Dutch or if you are from another country. When you speak and understand English, you are mostly welcome!

When there are only Dutch speaking attendees, it will be held in Dutch.


Real (when desired online) group consultancy in which all attendees can submit their individual question/ case so you can all benefit from each others presence too.

The Artists journey/ trajectory consists of for example:

Creative Wellbeing

Energetic Awareness

Breath & Relaxation / Meditation

Energetic Management

Gifts Of Nature

Artistic entrepreneurhipv(including Authentic Branding)

Financial Wellbeing


Also sign up here to be part of it and join the (online) group meeting.

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