We care...

In the mean time we have replaced our former homes to settle here in the beautiful environment in the South of the Netherlands.
We have founded our Center for Holistic, Healthy, Sustainable Lifestyle and Business where people can come for various purposes and they already do so.
Due to global circumstances the last couple of years, we have had some serious setbacks.
But we are still here and overall, in most ways, even better than before!
As since then, after so many years, what I have planned is finally all coming together and coming more and more to fruition! ♥
Do you care?
Do you believe the world is worth it to exist?
Do you believe mankind is worth it to exist?
Are you willing to take action for this?
It all began when I was younger, at least 15 years ago and even far before that.
I had a very clear vision of a multidisciplinary academy on a self sustainable campus, where young adults with their various talents and skills came together and connect with their own core and tap into their talents.
A generation that is dedicated to contribute their unique talents to build (together towards) a healthier, conscious and sustainable world, planet.
This all through for example art and design, dance and music but also the business part and technological side were very important in order for the individuals to be able to promote themselves, join strengths and profile themselves into the market authentically, where they can serve the audience of nowadays and their true needs and desires even better in an honest, healthy, conscious and sustainable way.
The red thread in this is that EVERYONE learns how to take good care of themselves and becomes aware of the fact that if they do, then AUTOMATICALLY they are good for their environment.
Because I look quite young for my age I have always experienced that I had to 'convince' people throughout my life and I've also been called a dreamer even while people didn't know about this plan but at the same time I had also people around me that DID care, always believed in me, no matter what I did and supported me along the way. People close to me like family and friends and also people that didn't know me that well, like clients and other people who said I really should continue as it was really wanted and needed.
Then Ruud and I met. We found out very quickly that our way of looking at things and life, our vision and mission were the same/ overlapped and were totally complementary and that is where we started working together and our intensive journey together continued.
I just returned from the future, where I visited in the summer of 2024 ... 3 places where a Core Abundant Lifestyle community is located. These resorts are completely self-sufficient, grow their own food in an organic, vegan way, generate their own energy, purify their water and reuse it. They are completely independent, independently operating resorts. Everything is sustainable and plant based. No pollution, no abuse of people or animals.
People from all over the world come to relax, become themselves, follow workshops, intensives and retreats. You can return to your source, your intrinsic self. Recovering your inner strength and start living a happy life again, from yourself with fulfilment.
Enjoying sustainable leisure with FeelingOne : They experience wonderful environments on a route through culture and nature in a comfortable, covered electric vehicle which is allowed to drive on bicycle lanes.
All three resorts are located in a quiet, healthy, green natural environment. New resorts are planned in other places around the world. All resorts are based on the example of the first resort in the South of the Netherlands.
There, 5 years ago, in 2019, the first steps were taken towards this great development.
We are at that point right NOW
We found this beautiful location here. With the help of investors, we are going to acquire this property. We will roll out our master plan immediately and within 3 years we also acquired a restaurant facility located in the neighborhood and a business location located opposite the domain. The neighborhood will transform into an oasis of peace and unity. The locals are happy to participate in this atmosphere and beautiful collaborations will be established with local entrepreneurs.
Investors will have their return of investment within 3 years with a good result.
Become part of the community
So, do you also want to be part of this community, online or offline or both and make this happen together with us? Age, gender, ethnicity etc. don't matter. YOU are welcome as long as you are able to respect our core values, yourself and others.
This place is a place of rest where people from all directions of the world can come and experience connecting to their own core in a peaceful and quiet way. Come to a beautiful environment where you can find rest, relax and rejuvenate and connect to your own core again, individually or in a small group.
No crowds, no loud happenings. We leave that for other places where it is appropriate and wanted. Here in the surroundings you can go for a silent walk or a hike, meditation, cycling, yoga session, do some creative painting or dancing or have a massage or energetic treatment or therapy that will help you relax and stand in your own power in a healthy way..
Core Abundant Lifestyle
Augustus 2019
Bezoek jij ons ook wanneer we hier gevestigd zijn?
We waarderen jouw bijdrage aan het geheel, om dit waar te maken, enorm en elk bedrag is heel welkom, want zelf als je je 'iets kleins' kunt veroorloven; wanneer veel mensen een beetje doneren kunnen en zullen we veel bereiken.
We hebben reeds alles op zijn plaats en het enige dat er nog moet gebeuren is dat we de mooie locatie waar we onze intentie op hebben bemachtigen en alles uitrollen, implementeren.
We hebben een heel solide collectie van business activiteiten en 'verdienmodellen' zoals men dat graag noemt, dus met de juiste support kan het binnen een relatief korte periode renderen.
Daar is geen twijfel over.
We hebben nog 3 miljoen euro nodig en we hebben reeds meer dan €150.000 kunnen investeren.
Ben jij ook een van de heel vastberaden en toegewijde mensen die ons helpt met het bijeenbrengen van de rest van de investering en dit opbouwen?
Hartelijk dank voor je aandacht en bijdrage!
If that is you, than please by all means, make a connection with us (by clicking on the declaration) and thank you 🙏